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About Us
Edward Leamer
Jerry Nickelsburg
David Shulman
Stephen D. Oliner
William Yu
Patricia Nomura
Winnie Ocean
George Lee
About Us
For over 60 years, the UCLA Anderson Forecast has provided forecasts for the economies of California and the United States. Founded by professor Robert M. Williams in 1952, the national forecast has been recognized as one of the most accurate, and has a reputation for being unbiased – a factor that the numerous corporate and Wall Street forecasts cannot lay claim to. The UCLA Anderson Forecast for California is the most widely followed and oft-cited in the state and was unique in predicting both the seriousness of the early-1990s downturn, and the strength of the state economy’s rebound since 1993.

Current director Edward E. Leamer along with economists Jerry Nickelsburg and David Shulman, combine their own expertise with the latest computer based econometric models. We have also begun providing regional forecasts for Los Angeles, Orange County, and other local regional economies.

Our quarterly conferences are attended by a cross-section of business, government and academic decision makers from all over California as well as the United States. We typically draw 250-375 attendees. Many of our attendees subscribe to the Forecast, and attend most or all of our quarterly conferences. Others are drawn by the specific topic of a conference, such as the recent energy crisis, globalization, or entertainment as a key part of the regional economy.

The Forecast Seminar, a quarterly forum sponsored by major corporations, state agencies, and local governments, gives members access to new developments in forecasting technology and software development. Seminar members include Western Financial Bank, Wellpoint Health Networks, Southern California Edison, State of California entities such as the Department of Finance, California Technology, Trade & Commerce Agency, and the State Controller’s office.

Past Conferences and Notable Speakers:

September 2005: The Hispanic Impact on the California Economy
  • Antonio Villaraigosa, Mayor of Los Angeles
  • Monica Lozano, Publisher, La Opinion
June 2005: What Goes Up Must Come Down: How Long Can This Hot Housing Market Last?
  • David Shulman, former Chief Equity Strategist, Salomon Brothers and former Head REIT Analyst, Lehman Brothers
  • Amy Crews Cutts, Deputy Chief Ecnomist, Freddie Mac
For more information, please contact us:

UCLA Anderson Forecast
Phone: (310) 825-1623
Fax: (310) 206-9940
  © 2024 UCLA Anderson Forecast. All Rights Reserved.